Once upon a time, there was a girl, who had no father and no mother. But they left her all their cattle, their, sheep and their goats. But the girl had no one to help her look after them. So she said, “Well – what can I do? I must let the sheep and the goats wander away by themselves, and just keep the cattle only.” And that is what she did. But even then the cattle were far too many for her. Every day, men would come and steal one or two and she didn’t know how to stop them. Then, one morning, when she was walking down the Valley of Choncho, near the Gomo refu-refu, the High Hill, who should cross her path right in front of her, but a Great Baboon. “Oh! Baboon, “she said to herself, “If only you were a man, you would herd my cattle for me.” Now the Baboon heard what she said, and he called out, “Yes, I’ll herd your cattle for you if you’ll give me some of those oranges you have there.” “Ooh! Thank you, thank you!” said the girl. “Of course I’ll give you some oranges. But won’t the men be...