Eat & Drink South Africa

People wishing to travel to a foreign land are often curious about the type of foods and drinks that will be available to them once they arrive in the country?

South Africa is often referred to as “A world in one country” because of the fascinating biodiversity we have or “The Rainbow nation” because of the wide mixture of our peoples and their cultures. It has also been voted as the most beautiful country in the world. No matter what the name, we are extremely proud of our multicultural heritage and the immense diversity of our natural resources.

People wishing to travel to a foreign land are often curious about the type of foods and drinks that will be available to them once they arrive in the country?

It is for this purpose that we have decided to provide additional information together with a pictorial record of some of the food and eating houses we have had the good fortune to visit, where we, together with our many guests have sampled the delicious smorgasbord of flavours, scents and tastes found throughout this exciting country of ours.

Our peoples can be classified as being Black African who contributes 80% of the people, Coloured (made up of decedents of the Bushmen, Khoikhoi and Malay slaves) 10 % White 8%, Indian and Asian 2%.

As I write our total population is 54 million strong.

Each of these many peoples, religions and communities have contributed in some way, some more than others but all have contributed to the collective palate of South Africa.

Truly a world in one country not only in the natural wonders but the fine mix of ever happy, friendly and welcoming people you will come across in this Rainbow coloured nation.