Paul and Raylee. 19.08.2016

Raylee and I both believe we have been spoilt with time and commitment from Alan Tours. South Africa was a memorable holiday.

— original message —


From: Paul

 Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 9:28 AM

to: Angelika

Subject: RE: Kalgoorlie and Gomo Gomo  



Much appreciation for the email with the photos attached; my job for next week is cataloguing them all before I forget where we were. 

We saw some wonderful sights on this trip but it is odd what really stands out after such a holiday and for me it was where the Soldiers from the Africa Corps were buried on top of that windswept hill which most likely overlooks the battlefields where they died.  I know it is the old Soldier in me but it all adds to the big picture of Africa which sadly most people probably don’t see but fortunately we did with Alan.

Once again many thanks to Angelika for the organisation and Luke and Alan for our tours; Raylee and I both believe we have been spoilt with time and commitment for which we are sincerely appreciative.  South Africa was a memorable holiday for us both.

Best wishes for the future.

Paul and Raylee